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Accounts and Subscriptions

Analytics is split into Free, Trial, and Subscription versions. The Free version is free to use but caps data at 2019, doesn’t show syllabi, and blocks a number of advanced features. (It replaces the older Syllabus Explorer). The Trial version requires a sign up and provides free access to the Subscription version for 30 days. The Subscription version allows schools, publishers, and other educational providers to provide acccess to all of their members, based on either email domain or single sign-on. Analytics does not offer individual subscriptions.

To learn more, contact us at .

How to create a free 30-day Trial Account

(1) Click 'Create an Account' (2) Provide a name, affiliation, and email, and submit. (3) Check your email for a confirmation link. (4) Click it and you'll return to Analytics, logged in. You'll remain logged in from this browser until you sign out.

You now have access to the 'full' Analytics toolset for the next 30 days. After 30 days, your account will become inactive, but you will still be able to use 'free' Analytics.

If you sign up with a college or university-based email, this process is automatic. If you sign up with another type of account (e.g., a gmail or business account), you'll need to wait for approval (usually a day at most).

That's it! Enjoy Analytics.

How to continue after 30 days

If you want to continue to use the full version of Analytics afer 30 days or make available to others at your school or organization, you’ll need to create an Organizational Subscription.

Subscriptions are offered on an annual basis, with base pricing determined primarily by organizational type, size, and location.

If you are a US-based library or publisher, you can subscribe through Lyrasis, our partner in serving the US library community. Alternatively, you can contact us at .